Stop Locator

TriMet - 84 - Powell Valley/Orient Dr Schedule

Instructions: Click/Tap to highlight the row & column. Scroll/Swipe left and right for longer schedules.

Monday-Friday - Gresham Transit Center - Counterclockwise LOOP

Gresham Transit Center Gresham Transit Center 2800 Block SE Powell Valley Rd SE Powell Blvd Valley & 282nd Ave SE 282nd Ave & Welch Rd E Powell Blvd & SE Burnside Rd Gresham Transit Center Gresham Transit Center
- 5:14am 5:20am 5:24am 5:26am 5:32am - 5:37am
5:47am 5:48am 5:54am 5:58am 6:00am 6:06am - 6:11am
6:26am 6:27am 6:33am 6:37am 6:39am 6:45am - 6:50am
7:05am 7:06am 7:12am 7:16am 7:18am 7:25am - 7:31am
7:45am 7:46am 7:53am 7:58am 8:00am 8:07am 8:13am -

Monday-Friday - Gresham Transit Center - Clockwise LOOP

Gresham Transit Center Gresham Transit Center 2800 Block SE Powell Valley Rd SE 282nd Ave & Welch Rd SE 282nd Ave & Powell Valley Rd E Powell Blvd & SE Burnside Rd Gresham Transit Center Gresham Transit Center
2:59pm 3:00pm 3:07pm 3:14pm 3:17pm 3:24pm - 3:31pm
3:52pm 3:53pm 4:00pm 4:07pm 4:10pm 4:17pm - 4:25pm
4:41pm 4:42pm 4:49pm 4:56pm 4:59pm 5:06pm - 5:14pm
5:29pm 5:30pm 5:37pm 5:44pm 5:47pm 5:54pm - 6:02pm
6:12pm 6:13pm 6:20pm 6:27pm 6:30pm 6:36pm 6:43pm -